Good day cyber friends and lurkers! You all remember how we discussed me needing a few
extra brain cells, more than likely due to the fact that being a youngest child myself, I suffer from "test dummy syndrome" as explained
here? Well, I had a code blue massive brain fart and forgot all about my September Daring Bakers Challenge until yesterday, 3 days AFTER the deadline. Whooo hooo, I rock!
This month's challenge was Lavash crackers hosted by Natalie of
Gluten A Go Go and Shel of
Musings From The Fishbowl. This challenge made my toes wiggle because some of the old hens in my former homeschool group always talked about how they made their own crackers (actually, they made EVERYTHING themselves off their homesteads. big showoffs, hee hee) and I wanted to be one of the "kewl" kids too. We had our choice of spices/toppings so long as our crackers were vegan, we also had the choice to go gluten free. This was my original plan, but being as the aforementioned brain fart removed all recollection of deadlines, I had to just use what I had on hand, which was whole wheat. The sauce was a free-for-all of whatever your heart desired so long as it was vegan and gluten free.
First I had to gather all my ingredients and get them to the table so I could sit and cook (anyone remember that "Sit and Be Fit" exercise show?). Well here's my pure genius answer to transporting those goods:

I'm thinking a basket, horn, and some tassels will make this baby ROCK!
My temporary baking high was immediately shot down when I opened my rolling mat to find this:

Friends, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to our beloved Tupperware Pastry Sheet. It was a good pastry sheet and its sixteen years of service will not be forgotten. Let us have a moment of silence to reflect upon its great starchy victories. *tear
After the memorial service I carried on with my cracker making fun. I've said before how I LOVE to make kneaded bread type goodies. There is just something therapeutic about it. See even Mr. Happy Kneaded Dough is smiling!

Oh look Khris came home just in time to witness his mom playing with bread dough. Doesn't he look proud? BTW, there's those honking
after work drinks he brings me.

Wanna know what's funny about making Lavash at midnight? You find yourself entranced by the grainy planes of whole wheat numminess. Looooook deep into it...Feel it's power......Ohmmmmmmm.

I made two batches, one just for me with crushed pecans sprinkled on top (inspired by John of
Eat4Fun) and another with cinnamon sugar. The first batch (with pecans) turned a bit too brown. The second batch I turned the heat down to 325 and it worked smashingly. As for my dipping sauce I blended 2 cups defrosted frozen mixed fruit, 4 pepperoncini, and 1/2 tsp cinnamon until smooth in my new blender that my boys got me for my birthday, .

Whoaaaa momma was it tasty! I love the yen and yang of spicy and sweet. I will absolutely make this again and I'm thinking of making it thicker to have a pita type bread. Forgive the bad pic, it was 2:00am and I decided that everything should be shades of BROWN!

For the recipe please check out our hostesses' sites:
Gluten A Go Go and
Musings From The Fishbowl. Also be sure to check out the other
Daring Bakers and drool over their hard work.