Monday, February 23, 2009
Bad Attitudes and Hot Cellists
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Bitter Chocolates

Well here it is, what used to be one of my favorite days, Valentine's Day. I remember being a wee lass filled with bubbly giggles just thinking about Valentine's Day. I didn't even mind having to write the annual English report on the history of Valentine's Day, as a matter of fact I loved it. The beautiful story behind all these nifty heart shaped goodies that lovers exchange just made my heart smile. Then I married my husband, who although a great guy, is about as romantic as a colonoscopy. He even told me before we got married that he doesn't do holidays and felt that Valentine's Day was nothing more than a commercial rip off. So here in honor of my husband are your Anti Valentine's Day candy, card, and flowers. Enjoy!

FYI: I still wouldn't trade him for a box of chocolates, unless of course they're Godiva Chocolates or maybe even a really, really, large box of Ferrero Rocher. Oh and if you've been lucky enough to marry an anti-romance man like I have, just take his credit card and buy yourself something pretty, then have a girl's night out with your BFF.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Anyone Have Some Spare Prozac?
I'm actually quite tired and am trying to keep myself from crawling into bed like an old worn out dog. Maybe if I SPRUNG into bed like a young spirited pup, that wouldn't be so bad, but Alas, I crawl. Anyhoo, tonight was CORN (Clean.Out.Refridgerator.Now) night and I scored the last of the Chinese food. Yeaaaaaah baby! So I get everything all ready and grabbed a fork and napkin. It was at this moment when I had a flash of all my freakish little habits. Actually, I shouldn't say ALL because they wouldn't all fit in a mere "flash", so we'll just go with some of them.
The first of which is my NEED to have a napkin when I eat. If I don't have a napkin, I feel oddly out of place and unable to actually enjoy whatever it is that I'm eating. This is even for things like cookies. As a matter of fact, I usually have an emergency napkin at my desk, just in case I decide to do a little techno noshing and need to blot my fingertips. I think maybe it started from my teaching the boys proper etiquette. They always had to have their napkins across their lap before we could start eating and if I ever caught them starting without one, I'd ask "how can you be eating if you don't have a napkin?". Nothing better than self inflicted psycho compulsions.
Another is my weirdness about having to eat with a fork. I realize that this is going to sound so very wrong to many of you, but I eat pizza, french fries, & fried chicken with a fork. Oh you should see me in action with that fried chicken, it's like a little poultry ballet (or so I tell myself, being as "ballet" sounds much better than "loony bin").
Then there's my germaphobe tendencies about washing your hands. I can't stand to have dirty hands. I don't mean like when you're doing hard work in the yard or fixing a car or something, but in your every day life. After you've turned the nob on six doors, or pulled your hair back in a pony tail, or blown your nose, or used someone else's keyboard, or gone to the bathroom for goodness sake WASH YOUR HANDS! Oh and in the kitchen I'm an uber freak! First, before I do anything, I wash my hands, then I get the required mixing bowls and utensils, wash my hands, get the food out of the fridge, wash my hands, open a cabinet to get spices, wash my hands, crack an egg, wash my hands, put item into cooking container, wash my hands, put it in oven/on stove wash my hands, remove item from oven/stove, wash my hands. Rather exhausting eh?
Lastly is hair and food. Seriously, am I the only person who gets grossed out by the thought of hair in my food? If you have long hair (meaning past your chin) and your are going to be within 5 feet of food in my kitchen then you WILL have your hair tied back or CUT OFF!!!!! This is one of the main reasons that I don't have my own show in Rachel Ray's time slot. I can't stand to watch those TV chef's cooking away with their hair just flouncing about. UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH. THAT IS SO NASTY! We're talking so nasty that it has to call Janet by "Miss Jackson". Wow did I really make that 80's song reference? Guess I've been married to Dan for too long, or maybe that's why he married me in the first place. Hmmm, I should go to the top of a loverly mountain and ponder that, but first I should wash my hands.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Snow Chicks and Toast
Speaking of birdies, with the ground being all frosted over I tossed a loverly batch of rolls out for the birds and squirrels, just to make sure they had a little snack. One little squirrel sprinted over, snatched up a roll and raced back up the tree before the birds could hog it all. I just loved how he was using his fluffy tail as an umbrella.

After watching all the birds nibble on their bread, Miss Danielle said that she wanted to be a birdie and have snow and toast for breakfast and there was no way I could resist such a cutie patootie request. Being as our loverly old house leaks some serious cold air from under the cabinets, I wanted out of the kitchen as soon as possible so let me share with you my cheating version of cinnamon toast sticks.
First, cut the bread into strips with a pair of kitchen scissors. Please note that the quality of the pictures decreases as we go along due to my frozen toes wanting to get out quick!

Then scoot all the pieces together and give them a coat of butter flavored non stick spray and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Hey, everyone else got to stay home from work for a snow day, I think I'm allowed to slack a bit in the nutrition arena. Don't be hatin'.

Toss them into a 400F preheated oven and then turn off the heat while you cook the eggs (about 10 mins).

Pair them up with bacon pieces to make a nest for the egg yolk birdies to stay warm from the egg white snowflakes.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Freaky Friday - Revenge of the Pachyderms
Great googaly moogaly what the heck is wrong with people?! I think little baby elephants are unbelievably cute, but when some freakish person puts them into baby clothes it just makes them look a little....well....freakish. Look into those eyes. Oh sure they may seem cute at first, but then you pan out a bit and realize those eyes belong to some half elephant, half baby DNA mutation that could trample you while you're sleeping. The best part is that she comes with a pacifier that "fits right into the tip of her trunk". TRUNK???? Since when do pacifiers belong up one's nose? I'm not sure what kind of whacked out version of "Animal Planet" they're watching over there at The Ashton-Drake Galleries, but someone needs to send in an intervention STAT!
While we're talking about freaky elephant things. Here's a nice nightmare inducing clip to share with all the little ones in your life. My therapist thanks you Disney!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Insert Chicken-ish Title Here or Here Or Over There
It seems that I had one of those brain farts at the store before Christmas and bought some phyllo dough. Seriously, I have no idea why I bought this stuff. Don't get me wrong, it's wonderfully loverly stuff that is great for getting your blood flow pumping from trying to keep it from drying out as you frantically throw your dish together. I just don't have the patients to work with this stuff on a normal bases. So I've been trying to come up with ideas as to what to do with it. I also was looking for something exciting to do with a wee bit of cheese left from the block and a few pieces of cooked bacon that needed to be used and so Chicken Rolls were born {insert owooos and ahhhhhs here}.
First tip O'the day is instead of brushing melted butter between each sheet of phyllo, put the melted butter in a spray bottle and just spritz it on. Yes, I realize this little "ah ha" moment will change your life for the better and you just heard angelic horns blowing and the sun just separated the clouds and is now shining a rainbow through your front window. Feel free to name your first born after me.
Let's see...yes, Chicken Rolls. Take 3 lbs of chicken, toss in pot with a smidgen of your favorite herbs, fill with water just to cover chicken and boil for an hour or two, until the chicken is no longer pink and the bones are easily removed.
Strain chicken, while saving cooking water. Remove bones, toss back into cooking water and place back on stove to simmer for another hour. Strain bones from water (which is now broth) and freeze in 1 cup portions. Cut up cooked chicken and separate into 3 Ziploc baggies. Place 2 in the freezer and keep one for making the chicken rolls.
You can also cheat and buy 2 cups worth of caned/pouched cooked chicken and forget I ever said anything about putting chicken in a pot. I promise not to judge(or tell).
Now throw the cooked chicken in a big bowl. Add cooked bacon, chopped fresh spinach, shredded cheese and ranch dressing. Stir it all together while you pray that you're able to get the phyllo dough to roll up.
Place 1 sheet of phyllo dough on rolling surface, spritz with butter, top with another sheet of phyllo dough, spritz, repeat with one more sheet of dough. Now you have your rolling dough made from 3 sheets of phyllo. Was anyone else taken back to elementary school worded math problems?
Put a couple of large spoonfuls of the chicken mixture on the short end of the phyllo dough, fold long sides over mixture and then roll up like an egg roll. Put on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350F for about 25 mins.

- 2 cups chopped cooked chicken
- 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh spinach
- 1/4 cup crumbled bacon
- 1/3 cup ranch dressing
- 1 cup shredded cheese
- pkg phyllo dough
1. Mix all ingredients, except phyllo dough together in large bowl.
2. Stack phyllo dough in sets of 3 spritzing melted butter between each layer.
3. Place a couple of large spoonfuls of chicken mix on short end of phyllo dough.
4. Fold ends over and roll up like an egg roll.
5. Bake for abou5 25 minutes at 350 degrees F.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thank God For The FBI
This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, none officials of Oceanic Bank, none officials of Zenith Bank and some impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation agents and EFCC and ICPC. During our Investigation, it came to our notice that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment.
So therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by coordinating your payment in the total amount of $800,000.00 USD which will be deposited into an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw funds anywhe Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been involved in this transaction, you are now to be rest assured that this transaction is legitimate and completely risk-free as it is our duty to Protect and Serve citizens of the United States Of America.
We also notice that some imposter has been claiming to be one of our offices; I want you to stop anything you have with any of them and proceed with Mr. Paul Smith, is the only person in change of this matter.
All you have to do is immediately contact the ATM CARD CENTER via E-mail for instructions on how to procure your Approval Slip which contains details on how to receive and activate your ATM CARD for immediate use to withdraw funds being paid to you. We have confirmed that the amount required to procure the Approval Slip will cost you a total of $496 USD which will be paid directly to the ATM CARD CENTER agent via Western Union Money Transfer / MoneyGram Money Transfer. Below, you shall find contact details of the Agent whom will process your transaction from Federal Minister of Finance: We have agreement with the federal government of Nigeria that you must pay for the approval slip for them to confirm that you are the real possessor of this card.
CELL PHONE: +234-70 8515 0758
Immediately contact Mr. Paul Smith of the ATM Card Centre with the following information:
Full Name: Address:
Zip Code:
Direct Phone Number:
Current Occupation:
Contact code 555, use this code and contact Mr. Paul Smith because of the impostors in Nigeria. Once you have sent the required information to Mr. Paul Smith he will contact you with instructions on how to make the payment of $496 USD for the Approval Slip after which he will proceed towards delivery of the ATM CARD without any further delay.
You have hereby been authorized/guaranteed by the Federal Bureau Of Investigation to commence towards completing this transaction, as there shall be NO delay once payment for the Approval Slip has been made to the authorized agent.
Once you have completed payment of $496 to the agent in charge of this transaction, immediately contact us back for more investigation for conformation of your ATM card. The both offices are working 24hours to get this project complete.
Federal Bureau Investigation
Robert S. Mueller III
Director, FBI
Now there are some slight give aways that tell us this is a fake. Just in case you, like my dear friend, need some help spotting them, let me point out a few.
- The FBI knows how to use proper English.
- The FBI has enough money to afford a spell checking program.
- The FBI knows your name doesn't need to call you "Beneficiary" .
- The Director of the FBI has other things to worry about than your $496.
- Lastly, have you ACTUALLY talked to anyone claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria?
Glad we could have this little talk and I hope it gave you a giggle. The sad part is that there's still people out there falling for this mess. Now stay out of Nigerian banks!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Good Morning Muffins
As I've said before I'm always looking to sneak in healthy good stuff wherever I can, and these little beauties are full of whole grain, fruity, fiber-tastic deliciousness. They are moist, tasty and even my hubby was sneaking them off the plate. He asked me today if I wrote down how I made them so we could have them again. I must confess a little tear of joy welled up in eye.

Good Morning Muffins
1 egg
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup wheat germ
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups diced apple
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup coconut flakes
Mix wet ingredients together. Add dry ingredients and stir just until moistened. Toss in fruits/veggies and mix together.
Batter doesn't rise much so fill muffin cups as full as you want your muffin to be.
Bake at 375F for 16 min if making full size muffins, 10 mins if making minis.
makes 12 regular or 36 minis.
Oh and if anyone has ideas on how to use up a pound of jalapenos, a cup of peach juice, and a dozen eggs please fill me in.
My fridge and I both thank you!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday's Soapbox
Let's just start with environmental snobs. Let me preface by saying that I used to work for a grassroots environmental lobbyist organization. I worked long hours on things like bringing curbside recycling to Oklahoma, requiring better ground water protection from garbage dumps and battling corporate hog farms (who btw are nasty nasty nasty polluters of both our environment and our bodies). I've lived totally off the grid, complete with bicycle powered generator, and was a vegetarian for years. In my heart, I will always be a hairy legged, tree hugging, bandanna wearing hippie. That being said, I'm sick of these, "I'm better than you" trendy greenies who treat people like poo just because they don't have their own compost pile. Poo, compost pile, that's kinda funny. Anyhoo, if you really believe in a cause, you'll take any help you can get, be it big or small. Even Ed Begley, Jr. had to start somewhere.
I was at the store a while back and this woman in line behind me made quite a stink about the sign the store had hanging about switching to green bulbs.
Freak woman, "I can't believe you have that sign hanging when you use plastic grocery bags".
Me, "Well, at least they're doing something."
Freak woman,"But they're made of petroleum for God's sake!".
This is coming from a woman purchasing a plastic single serve 20 oz bottle of Coke who just moments before, I watched smearing on her Maybelline makeup. Really?? Maybe you ought to rethink your accessories before you make an environmental assault.
I've seen this kind of attitude so many times it's makes me steam. For goodness sake, let people do what they can. Think about the grand scheme of things, if everyone who never recycled would recycle just one can a year it would make a huge difference in our landfills. It's SOMETHING.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Now go hug a tree (and a hippie)!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The History of Aprons
The History of Aprons
The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.
It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears.
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.
And when the weather was cold, grandma wrapped it around her arms.
Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove.
Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls.
In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees.
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.
It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Pucker Up!

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted (I used coconut oil, becuase I'm trying to be good)
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel (out of lemons, so I used lemon extract, don't tell Grandma)
2 cups flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons poppy seeds
Mix all the wet ingredients together, then dump in the dry ingredients and mix just until moist. Spoon into muffin cups and cook at 400F for 15 mins, 10 if you're making mini-muffins (makes 12 reg muffins or 36 minis).
Lemon Glaze
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
Stir together until smooth. Add more juice if too thick or more powdered sugar if too thin. Glaze tops of muffins and then lick the bowl clean (it's good for the soul).
Who You Calling Chicken?
This is one of the best reasons for posting recipes on this here blog. It forces me to keep record of what I'm doing! I still toss things in here and there, but now, I keep paper and pen next to me so I can write it down. Which brings us to today's post.
One of my old classmates is currently going through chemo so I'm cooking a few meals for her and her family. Due to the flip flops that treatment does to your body, she's not exactly up for the normal "casserole of care" type items like baked ziti or chicken enchiladas. We opted for nice, calm, soothing, chicken soup and homemade wheat rolls.
I was lucky enough to find chicken quarters on sale for $2.90 for 10 lbs! So the day before I made the soup, I skinned and deboned the chicken and cooked it in the crock pot with a bit of white wine and lemon pepper. I also took the skin and bones, tossed it in a bean pot filled with water, thyme, rosemary, celery seed, onion ends, carrots, garlic and a touch of salt and let it simmer all day. Ran it through a strainer and let the broth cool in the fridge so I could remove the fat layer. I ended up with 7 lbs cooked chicken and 8 cups broth. Booooyah!
I've never made regular chicken soup before, but I will definately make it again!

Chicken Veggie Soup
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 2 cups chopped onions and celery
- 3 cups frozen mixed veggies
- 4 cups chopped cooked chicken
- 2 tsp McCormicks Grill Mates Roasted Garlic and Herb
- 1 tsp salt
- pinch celery seed
Make a white sauce with:
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 cup milk
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Or maybe, I just dropped the ball and let my bloggity responsibilities fall to the wayside without warning.
Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm a really crummy blog keeper upper with a vivid imagination and poor blog scheduling skills. You may now begin pelting me with wet noodles, although I ask that you wait until I am standing near a duck pond so that we don't waste perfectly good food and make my greenie friends angry.
Thanks, I'm sure Mother Earth thanks you too.
Speaking of Mother Earth and ticking off my greenie friends, I found really cool trash bags!!!! Yes, I suck. I'm weak and I love plastic trash bags. Actually, they are Glad ForceFlex bags with the Quick Tie feature instead of the drawstring. Seriously, I'm in love with the trash bags. I'm thinking I could make a loverly teddy trash bear so that I could curl up with the bags at night.
What makes them so amazing is that they actually stay ATTACHED to the rim of the trash can without falling inside the can. SHOCK!!! If that weren't enough, they are able to withstand that weird "bet I can stuff one more thing in this trash can without taking it out" syndrome that attacks every member of my family.
And now you know the weirdness that lurks through my mind at absurd times of the night.
I really got on here to catch everyone up on the going ons in our little corner of the Universe, but my hubby cheated and had Saturday Night Live playing on the TV while I was trying to think, and everyone who knows me will tell you that my mind goes about 10,000 miles per second in 6 million different ways and if you add just one more intsy wintsy item, it can completely derail my thought process for days (or at least until the commercial comes on). Um, did anyone else see that seriously LONG sentence that just flew by?
Now it is very, very late and I need to get to bed. Therefore, I shall have to meet with you again tomorrow. However, to help pass the time until then, I'd like to share with you a couple pics that my hubby took of Nathan and his FIANCE, Michelle, from our little Christmas get together (yes, she stole my name and the sad thing is I keep trying to call her by my sister's name).

Oh and here's a shot of the Bling!