Yepperino, I thought today was Thursday. Although I guess calling Saturday Friday would make it a very freaky day. So here it is the freakiest thing I've seen this week and it actually came to me in an Email. You can check out more at their website

and my favorite!!

Sorry Yzma.
I'd say! Those are pretty scary liknesses! Freaky Friday alright.
Woah...the resemblances are tooooo much. They all really do look alike.
I do agree, the apology to Yzma was necessary!
Two things, my mother owns a Bichon Frise, Louis he looks like that for 30 minutes a month at most, basically the journey home from the groomers until he can find dirt to sully their efforts.
Secondly and I will preface this by saying I had some weird phases, but, I totally had a crush on Keith Flint.
I know.
I'm getting help as we speak.
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